Mutual Learning Exercise on EU Missions Implementation at national level

Project description

Mission-oriented innovation policy is a cross-sectoral and cross-policy approach to achieve ambitious and clearly formulated goals via the generation and application of knowledge and innovation addressing pressing societal challenges.

The five EU Missions implement the mission-oriented approach at the EU level. They are a novelty of the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme for the years 2021-2027. As such, the implementation of the EU Missions requires new forms of governance and collaboration, new approaches for citizen engagement and significant investments by both private and public actors.

The Mutual Learning Exercise focuses on the available evidence and collective experience to support the development of effective national frameworks for the implementation of EU Missions.

Project Team

  • Rowan Conway – Chair: Policy Fellow and Visiting Professor of Strategic Design at UCL’s Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP).
  • Emily Wise – Rapporteur: Project leader and independent R&I policy advisor.
  • Caetano Penna – Topic expert: Assistant Professor in Economics in the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management of TU Delft.
  • Elvira Uyarra – Topic expert: Director of Manchester Institute of Innovation Research and Professor of Innovation at Alliance Manchester Business School.

Project News

Professor Elvira Uyarra

Professor Elvira Uyarra has produced the first thematic report from the Mutual Learning Exercise on EU Missions, "Creating national governance structures for the implementation of EU missions".

You can download the report here.

This report explores using multi-level governance (MLG) for implementing EU missions. It outlines the MLG concept, examines its application challenges in mission-focused policies using country examples.

Additionally, it analyses a survey on mission governance in 18 countries and summarises discussions from the inaugural MLE meeting in Vienna on 28-29 September 2023.